Thank you for all you are doing for me and for those others that have found you from whatever brought them to you. What I see and feel from my heart - You are a new Guru of this new dawning Age of Enlightenment. What you are doing for me is transforming who and what I am. Thank you. I feel a deep connection to you as I told you from our first session. What I am “feeling” is the Primordial Sound is resonating in the “me” that is a nervous system BUT the Sound is also resonating Outside me. And what is happening, with me, is like the curtain between the two, that early in my life was like a blackout curtain at a movie theater, is becoming translucent. Now consisting of layers of gossamer fiber. During the recent Activation session there were what I could relate to as gossamer floating away from me that had been within my nervous system. I feel there is that growing Oneness (Unity), still beyond my “reach” BUT closer; that Unity BECOMING revealing Itself, within this nervous system, which is just an expression of that Unity, recognizing and becoming that Unity. You, as Malika, connected to Source, are a Blessing to this world, this Creation, and now with a growing appreciation of worldwide followers of your Grace and Love to and for all of us. I have a growing blossoming love focused to your mission that Source is unfolding through you. I bow down to your Divine mission to help us grow toward that realization of Source within and the Source outside of us is the same. During the eyes closed, in meditation … In amongst the wandering in and out of thoughts from the small mind of the lower self, there was deep Silence. Then the Sound became a vibration centered at the Crown and flowing down to the Third Eye. This is when an image also became part of the vibration at the Third Eye. The image of a seed, buried in the ground sprouting and exerting pressure upward to the Crown. Pushing upward for the initial contact with the Sun. Still surrounded by the nourishing media of “soil”, preparing for something amazing to happen. Then I had the full range of vibrations flowing from the Root to the Crown, dissipating, then rising again.
I had the feeling of understanding that the Throat is opening for the communication. With my Heart opening for my feelings to emerge. Now along with my Third Eye activating and the Crown feeling as if tender prods or tendrils are forming to establish contact to a Higher Self.
Wow, Wow, Wow.
Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!
I am beginning to “feel”, in its infancy, the music of Source.
With EVERYTHING you are helping me with I am amazed at the clarity of the aspects of this Retreat. Thank you