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“Malika is truly amazing! She is by far the most gifted seer I’ve ever received guidance and assistance from, and her healing skills are incredibly effective! For many years, I’ve been struggling with a variety of emotional and karmic wounds I could not see clearly on my own. In just a few short months, Malika has helped me to clear and heal more than I’ve been able to do on my own for the past 4 decades! She is such a gem!”
Becky Boyrie
I got introduced to Malika through a friend and it’s been the most blissful experience of my life I have had that mild humm of a feeling for years which I couldn’t recognise, I had always been curious as to what it was, it would always be in the background, even in my most happy moments I could feel a little lack of whole ness, much later I realised it was a yearning of trying to connect with my higher self and to the divine source. I read many books and tried to get help but I didn’t find the connection and the faith in anyone, until I found Malika It was an instant realisation that I’ll be guided to find my path, it’s been a few months since I started practising what she taught me and it’s been such a fulfilling and exhilarating experience, it’s remarkable how our mind is able to transcend and almost instantaneously the awakening the awareness the bliss is found. The path to those recognitions is not tedious, it requires some guidance and some practice. Malika has been that force for me which guided me away from my apprehensions and helped me find my true self. Truly grateful that I found her or rather reconnected with her in this life ….
Smita Anand
I am confident that anyone who decides to see Malika and receive the amazing connection to Source that she has the ability to bring in for them will undergo a deep and permanent shift in consciousness and an elevation beyond expectations. I am so grateful that I was ready to receive what she has to offer and that I was led to her at this time. The Sound and the frequency are a blessing I turn to each day now in my practice and my reality has been blessed by the gifts that are being unfurled as karmic contracts are released, curses removed, soul fragments returned and programs purged. The understanding of many frustrating situations in my life and the total transformation of the energy surrounding these circumstances has been bringing me such wisdom and compassion for myself and others in my life. Knowing the answers as to why things have occurred and finally being able to change the dynamics and leave behind unfulfilling situations once and for all is so incredible. This clears the space for you to truly discover who you are and to become that version of yourself. If you were led to Malika, rest assured that it is time to transform. Book a session. Prepare your questions and requests. Be ready for immediate and miraculous changes. Your own connection to Source is for you and you alone. Malika can bring in the Sound for you to connect with it. It's a real treasure.
Kate Francis Batista
I’m so grounded now instead of being lost in the void like the past few days.
Stephen Chang
I must tell you that my primordial sound has opened doors & windows that have allowed me to be ... ... hard to define ... I just feel a closer connection to Source, like I'm holding hands with a part of me that I've known was 'there' all my life, but didn't realize that 'there' is in truth 'here'! I'm getting reacquainted with old Guides, loved ones passed, eternity travelers, Light Beings ... on and on and on ... I am allowing myself to know that I Am Loved ... thanks to you, Sweet Soul, Malika. You are so Loved,
Jennifer Knighton
After session with Malika, I have experienced surge of intense feelings of being whole and perfect in every aspect. For the next two days I have cried joyfully in amazement that I am so Divine and that there was not even one part of me imperfect. The feelings of love towards who I am was beyond any words. At this moment I didn't have to prove to anybody or to myself anything, my presence on this Earth was enough. I have also experienced incredible change between me and my family members. The lack of forgiveness towards my sister naturally disappeared like it was never there. My heart was emptied and filled with compassion. I am forever grateful to Malika for giving me a chance even for the couple of days to help me remember Who I Am, I am Divine ❤️
Izabela Kavak
After today’s session and resting for a few hours, I feel SOOOOO much clearer!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK WITH ME AND WITH PEOPLE AROUND OUR PLANET!!!
Juliet Dodge
Dear Malika 🥰 Thank you for the amazing healing for Neringa. We have a funny expression in Ireland - she’s ‘Gobsmacked’!! 😁😁 I love the difference in the way you work - Directly - with Source energy & our own unique source code. After so many years of transmissions - which have been & continue to be amazing - this is such a welcome & very special change. When I meditate now using the sound, I just surrender my human self into my Deeper Self & it's beautiful... In yesterday's meditation, I watched as the body opened into the deeper experience of What I am... & this opened into Silence... I love it!!!
Graham Kutner-Simon